import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.sql.*;

import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;

public class Swing04 extends JFrame
        Connection conn; // 연결 객체
        Statement stmt;
         DefaultTableModel model ;
         JTable table;
         String query;

                // 생성자에서 변수 초기화 (쿼리문)
                query = "select, 이름, b.title 도서명, b.rDate 대여일자"
                              + " from student s, bookRent b"
                              + " where";
                        Class. forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
                        conn = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sampledb" , "root" , "1234" );
                        stmt = conn.createStatement();
                catch (Exception e1 )
               } // jdbc 드라이버 로드
               setTitle( "학생관리" );
                setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
               setLayout( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout. LEFT)); // 레이아웃 설정
               add( new JLabel( "학과 : "));
                String [] dept = { "전체", "스마트컨텐츠개발" , "스마트컨텐츠기획" , "스마트컨텐츠마케팅" , "컴퓨터공학" };
                JComboBox cb_dept = new JComboBox( dept);
               add( cb_dept);
                cb_dept.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                               JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e .getSource();
                                System. out.println(cb .getSelectedIndex()); // 인덱스번호를 콘솔창에 출력
                               int deptIndex = cb.getSelectedIndex();
                               query = "select, 이름, b.title 도서명, b.rDate 대여일자"
                                                     + " from student s, bookRent b"
                                                     + " where";

                               if( deptIndex == 0)
                                       // '전체' 선택 시 모두 출력
                                       query += " order by id;";
                                       // List 메소드 호출 (목록버튼을 누를 필요가 없어진다.)
                               else if (deptIndex == 1)
                                       query += " and s.dept='스마트컨텐츠개발'" + " order by id;";
                               else if (deptIndex == 2)
                                       query += " and s.dept='스마트컨텐츠기획'" + " order by id;";
                               else if (deptIndex == 3)
                                       query += " and s.dept='스마트컨텐츠마케팅'" + " order by id;" ;
                               else if (deptIndex == 4)
                                       query += " and s.dept='컴퓨터공학'" + " order by id;" ;
               add( new JLabel( "                                          " ));
                JButton list = new JButton( "조회"); // // 'List'버튼 생성
               add( list);
               add( new JLabel( "      " ));
                JButton out = new JButton( "종료"); // 'out'버튼 생성
               add( out);
                // Table의 Header 이름 지정
                String colName[] = { "학번", "이름" , "도서명" , "대여일자" };
                // Table에 들어갈 데이터 목록들(컬럼명, 추가될 Row 개수)
                model = new DefaultTableModel(colName , 0);        
                // Table 생성
                table = new JTable( model);       
                table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize( new Dimension(470, 200));
               add( table); 
               add( new JScrollPane(table ));

                // 종료 이벤트 처리
               addWindowListener( new WindowAdapter()
                          public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
                                         if( conn != null)
                          catch (SQLException e1 )
                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Good Bye", "Exit Dialog" , JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );

                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                // 익명 클래스 이용 (이벤트 처리) -> 목록 처리
                list.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                              List(); // 목록 갱신 메소드 호출
                // 익명 클래스 이용6 (이벤트 처리) -> 종료 처리
                out.addActionListener( new ActionListener()
                        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
                                         if( conn != null)
                                 catch (SQLException e1 )
                                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( null, "Good Bye", "Exit Dialog" , JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE );
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               setResizable( false); // 화면 크기 고정
               setSize(488, 300); // 화면 크기 설정
               setVisible( true); // 화면 출력 설정
               List(); // List 메소드 호출 -> 프레임이 출력되는 동시에 전체목록이 출력된다.
         public void List()
                        System. out.println("JDBC Connection Complete!");
                       ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery( query);
                        // JTable 초기화
                        while(rs .next())
                               String[] row = new String[4]; // 컬럼의 개수가 4
                               row[0] = rs.getString( "id");
                               row[1] = rs.getString( "이름");
                               row[2] = rs.getString( "도서명");
                               row[3] = rs.getString( "대여일자" );
                               model.addRow( row);
                        rs.close(); // ResultSet을 닫는다.
                catch(Exception ex )
                        System. out.println(ex .getMessage());
         public static void main(String[] args)
                new Swing04();
